Three artists you should see live

artists you should see

Live music is one of the best things to experience in the world. Of course, the local jazz band that plays in your favorite casino is good too, but in this blog we would like to list three artists that we think you artists you should see live if you have the chance. Get inspired!

  • Stromae- artists you should see

Stromae is a Belgian singer and rapper who managed to conquer the world with his amazing electronic-based pop. Even though he sings in French, many artists have come forward to say he’s among their favorites. These artists aren’t exactly unknown, as we’re talking about the likes of Billie Eilish and Kanye West. What makes a Stromae-concert unique compared to other artists, is that Stromae doesn’t just perform his songs: he creates an entire experience. Stromae dances, tells stories in between songs and of course, sings these amazing songs as well. The Belgian maestro fully manages to captivate his audience with his live performances. Even if you were yet unfamiliar with the name, we definitely recommend trying to see Stromae live!   visit here


We’re taking a radical turn, as this next band isn’t anything like the Electronic Pop from Stromae. IDLES is a British Punk band, that managed to break the underground scene with four very solid albums in a row. What makes IDLES unique is the political messages they manage to fit into their songs, in a very simple way. This simple songwriting is also what makes IDLES’ live performances so incredible, as the whole crowd will gladly shout along to their lyrics, creating an amazing atmosphere. Combine this with IDLES’ lead singer Joe Talbot talking in between every song about the meaning of the song, and you have an incredibly fun night that you won’t quickly forget about. 

  • Ludovico Einaudi

Another complete different experience compared to the other two listed: Ludovico Einaudi is an Italian pianist, that has composed beautiful Classical piano music over the last 20 years. Einaudi’s music is popular in a lot of great movies, Intouchables being a fantastic example. For most of Einaudi’s live shows, you can expect nothing but beautiful piano play, sometimes supported by other artists playing other instruments. A Einaudi concert will be a total new experience for many, as people dress up nicely to see an artist from this caliber live. Once everyone has found their place in the venue, it’s just Ludovico and his piano leading you through the night. 

Have fun!

What artist will be the next for you to see live? One of the ones we’ve listed, or someone else? Both ways, we hope you have a ton of fun!