Food Stuck in Throat When You Can Still Breathe

food stuck in throat

When we have globus, usually, we feel like some food stuck in the throat. But many of us don’t know what Globus and IBS are. Globus is a disease of feeling that is usually held in the throat. Many people feel the problem when swallowing. Many times it seems uncomfortable.

But when it comes to treatment, the first doctor also gives medicine for a typical cold. But there is no chance to tell the doctor why or what it is. Even if you bring the list of drugs, you will still feel confused about whether it is a big problem.

And IBS is a combination of several symptoms of abdominal pain. In this disease, the stomach becomes more sensitive and becomes more active than usual. In the West, at least 10-15 out of every 100 people suffer from this disease. According to a study, 20 out of every 100 men and 28 out of every 100 women in Bangladesh are infected with the virus. The exact cause of the disease is not yet known. However, it is a disease of the esophagus. Today we will discuss why did it feel like food stuck in the throat during the globe.

Why did it feel like food stuck in the throat when you have globus?

The condition “food stuck in throat” is usually due to two reasons. The first is that the food in the stomach does not go down, and its acid goes up or down; it is called reflux. It can happen day or night, with or without food. This occurs in the larynx or throat reflux. Not all of them may have heartburn. There are some patients whose throat becomes worse, with difficulty swallowing and heartburn. These patients have a nasty cough and feel like a tumor in the throat. Some people say that something pressed in the throat or mucus is accumulated in the throat so that you cannot clear the throat even with the help of phlegm. That’s why we feel food stuck in the throat while having globus.

Globus pharyngitis

Globus pharyngitis is a condition where the throat feels like a wheel or something seems to be pressing. It’s not cancer. These patients have to take treatment for some time. Many patients feel better after taking proton pump inhibitors or gastric medications. Those whose medicine does not work have to undergo NT reflux surgery. Eating habits need to be changed so that there is no reflux or heartburn. It is a symptom of laryngeal or throat reflux. Reflux means reverse flow. This is because the food does not go down or into the stomach but upside down. It can be day or night. If you have laryngeal and throat reflux, heartburn may not be felt. This is why it is called secret reflux.

It is not always a symptom of cancer. This anxiety increases the suffering of the patient. Such symptoms are called globus pharyngitis. Globus means a feeling of discomfort in the throat, for which no tumor or cancer is responsible.

Globus Symptoms

The main symptom is that the patient always thinks that something is stuck in his throat. Particularly it feels like food stuck in the throat. It seems that saliva gets stuck in swallowing. Usually, there is no difficulty in eating anything. This means that the patient has difficulty swallowing saliva, but has no trouble eating or drinking anything. The biggest problem with this disease is that the patient thinks that he has any significant illness or cancer. Many people who have acid in their stomach from the stomach up the esophagus can also be a problem.


As a nose, ear, and throat specialist, you need to look inside the throat, especially with the mirror’s help. This test can be done to see if there is cancer in the throat. Other tests can be done if needed. For example, fiber optic laryngoscopy through which everything inside the throat can be seen on a TV monitor.


When the nose, ears, throat are examined, and nothing is found, the patient is assured that there is nothing wrong with the throat or cancer. This makes many patients better. Also, those who suffer from high tension are given drugs to reduce stress. Moreover, those who have problems with acid or ulcers are given the necessary medicine. Hopefully, after this medication, you will never feel food stuck in the throat again.

What is IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disease of the intestines, which is organized as a result of dramatic changes in bowel or bowel movements and affects the IBS digestive system. People who suffer from IBS often suffer from indigestion. Even a few days ago, the number of IBS cases in Bangladesh was low. The reason for the small stay is that people had little idea about IBS. However, the number of victims has increased due to increasing awareness.

Although many people are now aware of how to control the disease, many do not know; this is my writing for them today. Know and adhere to the right information to stay healthy.

Causes of IBS or irritable bowel syndrome

  • The exact cause of IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is still unknown. Precisely what causes IBS is still a matter of research.
  • However, IBS can occur at any time due to hereditary factors, mental depression or depression, infection, extra bacteria presence in the small intestine, hormonal imbalance, food sensitivity, any type of liver problem, medicine, surgery, etc.
  • There is a relationship of nervous weakness with IBS. Men and women and even children suffer from IBS. Women suffer more from this disease than men. Generally, people aged 18-35 suffer more from this problem.
  • However, for those who are older and have IBS, this problem is more harmful. In most cases, people with IBS suffer from abdominal pain at various times from a very young age without any reason.
  • Although IBS is very unpleasant and causes problems, the right lifestyle, and foods that exacerbate IBS’s issues can make the problem of IBS disappear at some point.

Symptoms of IBS

IBS is a common lump disorder. Those who have problems with IBS suffer from the following issues. 

  • Changes in regular bowel movement, resulting in diarrhea or constipation.
  • There is severe pain in the abdomen.
  • Changes in stool color, size, and density.
  • Stomach bloating and abdominal cramps.
  • Flatulence and stomach irritation.
  • Stomach biting, belching.
  • Vomiting, loss of appetite, very little stomach-filling, bad taste in the mouth.
  • Frustration, exhaustion, fatigue.
  • Sleep problems, muscle aches.
  • Frequent urination pressure will increase.
  • It decreased sexual ability and desire.

So if anyone has any of the above symptoms, see a doctor as soon as possible. However, no drug has been discovered to completely cure IBS. However, it is a tool to deal with selecting the right diet according to the type of IBSA, as well as changes in one’s lifestyle and physical exercise. And in this case, a nutritionist can help you. So consult a nutritionist.

IBS diet or Irritable bowel syndrome diet

  • Foods that contain high amounts of insoluble fiber or insoluble fiber (that is, those fibers that are insoluble in water) should be removed from your diet. If the problem is obvious, such foods should be removed from the menu if necessary until healthy. People who have IBS-related diarrhea, in most cases, have problems digesting those foods. They eat more of those foods. That is why they often suffer from diarrhea. Foods that contain insoluble fiber include whole grains, whole grains, wheat bran, nuts, cauliflower, potatoes, peas, and dark green vegetables, apples, pulses, avocados, strawberries, groundnuts.
  • Any raw food should be avoided. Must eat well-cooked food. Salads and fresh vegetables should be avoided.
  • Unhealthy outside food should be avoided as much as possible. Emphasis should be placed on eating healthy home-made food.
  • Refrain from cooking with excess oil and spices.
  • Eliminate foods that contain sorbitol. Sorbitol is an alternative to sugar.
  • People who have IBS related diarrhea may have diarrhea by eating milk or milk products. So do not consume milk or milk products on an empty stomach.
  • Eating foods that contain gluten will cause diarrhea, such as- wheat and grain made with grain. To avoid this, eat rice instead of bread.
  • Sweet national food should be avoided.
  •  Plenty of water. If necessary, saline should be eaten. This is because diarrhea causes the body to lose a lot of electrolytes.
  • Chew food slowly and thoroughly.

Things you should follow when you have globus alongside Ibs

    • Eat probiotic-rich foods regularly. Probiotics are a type of good bacteria that help keep the intestines and digestive system healthy. What, fell into thought? Where can I get probiotics? Yogurt is the easiest and cheapest source of probiotic power. However, eat sour yogurt instead of sweet yogurt. And yes, eat yogurt during the day. Eating yogurt at night can cause cough problems.
    • Avoid gluten-rich foods—especially those who have problems with gluten intolerance. Gluten-rich foods are any food made from wheat flour, bread, biscuits, cakes, etc. People who have diarrhea or indigestion after eating these foods should avoid these foods.
    • Those who have problems eating milk and milk products should not consume milk and milk on an empty stomach. Eat on a full stomach. Eat less. If there is still a problem, skip it and eat sour yogurt every day.
    • Start a small amount of any new food. Gradually increase the amount, then there will be no problem. However, eating any fresh food in large quantities together will cause digestive issues. People who have IBS problems eat foods that they eat in small amounts, but at one time, that food adapts to the body. As a result, eating those foods will not cause digestive problems.

Most Important Point:

  • Exercise 45 minutes to 1 hour every day. There is no substitute for bowel health. People with IBS can walk, swim, cycle, treadmill, do abdominal exercises, or jog. Some yoga poses are effective in reducing IBS. Such as- Cat Pose, Wind, Relieving Pose, Cobra Pose. If you do yoga, you must seek the help of someone skilled to do it. If not, it will be the opposite.
  • Try to get enough sleep; if you do not sleep well, there are other problems besides digestive problems.
  • If you eat less of the foods you have problems with, you will not have too many issues.

Finally, Globus and IBS will not break down. Remember, you are not alone in suffering from IBS. Remember, you can live a 99.99% healthy life by avoiding the activities you eat or the foods you eat. The most crucial thing in IBS is to live a regular life and get the right food.


  1.  What is Ibs syndrome?

IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disease of the intestines organized as a result of dramatic changes in bowel or bowel movements and affects the IBS digestive system. People who suffer from IBS often suffer from indigestion. Even a few days ago, the number of IBS cases in Bangladesh was low. The reason for the small stay is that people had little idea about IB.

  1.  What is the treatment of Ibs?

Currently, IBS treatment is symptomatic. Diarrhea-prone IBS (IBS-D), constipation-prone IBS-C, and both symptoms (IBS-M) are treated accordingly. No single drug is entirely effective in treating IBS. It is very important to change your eating habits. Milk and dairy foods increase the patient’s symptoms. While eating, notice which foods increase your symptoms, avoid them.

  1.  Which sensation usually occurs during globus?

Many people feel the problem when swallowing. Many times it seems uncomfortable.