
Lion’s mane is a supplement that supports cognition. The neurotrophic lion’s mane is a white, edible mushroom that grows on trees. Also, it looks like a lion’s mane, hence the name.

It promotes cognitive enhancement, neuroprotection, and neurogenesis. It also reduces depression and anxiety.

So what is the evidence that shows it does all these things? Studies show that Lion’s mane mushroom extract increases the genetic expression of nerve growth factor.

Now nerve growth factor promotes neurogenesis, which means it promotes the growth of new neurons.

Scientific Studies on Lion’s Mane

More specifically, a study shows that the lion’s mane increases the expression of nerve growth factor in the hippocampus of the brains of mice who ate the mushroom extract. The hippocampus is the part of the brain that forms new memories. 

Other studies have shown that the lion’s mane increases the length of the branches of neurons. Also, the lion’s mane intake shows a decrease in the hyperexcitability of neurons, which means that when neutrons become hyperexcitable, they are more likely to die. So a decrease in their hyperexcitability increases their lifespan.

These studies were on animals, but there are studies on humans too. There have been two random control trials in humans. Randomized control trials are the goal standard of science.

The first study measures whether the lion’s mane is effective in improving cognition in older people who have mild cognitive impairments.

They found that people who took the lion’s mane did have cognitive improvements. All thirty people in the study had preexisting cognitive impairments.

The second study was also a random control trial. This time, it took thirty menopausal women. These women split up. One group received a placebo and one group got lion’s mane.

The women who had the lion’s mane had lower depression and anxiety. They also had decreased reports of menopausal symptoms.

Benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

Lion’s mane has many benefits and for this reason, it has been in Asian recipes for thousands of years. 

You can eat it raw or cook it as you please. Another way to take the lion’s mane is with tea.

The taste of lion’s mane is a bit like lobster or crab, and it’s good for the brain, stomach, and heart.

Here are some well-known benefits of lion’s mane mushroom that can help with your health.

Works Against Dementia

A person’s brain deteriorates with time. It is not able to make new connections. However, the lion’s mane has some components that work against this, growing new brain cells.

Furthermore, the lion’s mane is good for people who have Alzheimer’s disease, a disease that leads to severe memory loss. 

We have live examples of people who have Alzheimer’s doing a lot better after the introduction to the mushroom. However, the scientific study on animals alone backs up the idea, and there is not enough research on human subjects.

Reduces Depression and Anxiety

A huge number of people who live all around the world suffer from depression and anxiety. The reasons behind it can vary, but inflammation is one of the leading factors.

Lion’s mane mushroom has anti-inflammatory qualities, so if you take some of the mushrooms for a few days, depression and anxiety fall.

Scientists say that when the hippocampus of the brain works better, depression and anxiety reduction, and lion’s mane improves the functioning of the hippocampus.

We need a lot more research to explain this remedial phenomenon. This is just a start. 

Recovery from Nervous System Injuries

Nerves are everywhere, and all nerves route back to the nervous system, consisting of the spinal cord and brain. For this reason, injuries to the nervous system can do a lot of damage.

It could paralyze you partially or completely. Also, it can affect the mental functions of a person. 

Lion’s mane mushroom is traditionally for people who have damage to the nervous system because it leads to rapid recovery and regenerates nerve calls

The recovery time of a person who is taking the mushroom is two-thirds faster than average. People who have had strokes and are now on bedrest should take this natural medicine. H

 Protects from Ulcers in The Gut

Ulcers happen in both the intestines and in the stomach. It could be too much bacteria or from the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Damage to the layer of mucus in the stomach makes things uncomfortable, but with the help of lion’s mane mushroom, your mucus lining stays safe. And also, there are no ill side effects of this wonderful mushroom.

Keeps the Heart Healthy

Heart problems are common in people who suffer from obesity. High triglycerides are another factor. Also, blood clots from too much-oxidized cholesterol can be life-ending.

Lion’s mane mushroom lowers the level of triglycerides and promotes weight loss. In doing so, the mushroom protects the heart from ill-health.


Lion’s mane is a wonderful natural medicine that has been around for thousands of years. It is really good for the brain, heart, and gut.

You can eat the mushroom raw or you can cook it. The taste of the mushroom is a bit like a crab or lobster.

There are a lot of cases where people are visibly benefiting from the lion’s mane. Also, some animal studies prove that lion’s mane works as a medicine for a lot of things. 

There are two studies on people that testify to mushrooms medical properties. However, we need more evidence from scientists to explain the healing phenomenon.