Business Maintenance – The Essentials Part 2

Business Maintenance – The Essentials Part 2

Welcome back! In this part of Business Maintenance – The Essentials, we will be investigating audio-visual frameworks and general security systems, as well as a few methods on keeping them in good working order. So, without further delay, let’s get stuck straight in!

AV Frameworks

There’s really nothing that AV can’t represent: antivirus systems? Amiably Vanishing? Animated…Velociraptor? While using animation to bring the story of a velociraptor to life sounds incredibly interesting (although let’s be honest, I’m sure it has almost certainly been done more than a few times before!), in this example we mean Audio-Visual. This can cover a wide scope of frameworks and various equipment, for example, projectors, show screens, webcams, speakers and other sound related gear. A simple method for determining whether something classes as an AV framework is; does it hold the capability to either record, or play, sound or video? If it does, then it safely falls within an AV framework.

With the manner in which business has had to be conducted over the recent years, AV frameworks have certainly had their time in the sun – remote connecting-in to meetings and group projects over the web (using software such as Zoom or Skype) have played an integral role in business, and because of this, recording and playback hardware within an AV scope has become an almost centrally focussed cornerstone of how we conduct modern client and team communication. In that capacity, it is vital to keep AV hardware kept up with.

While commuting, working from home or out of the workplace, keeping your webcam and related equipment ready to go will be fundamental for those team meetings and client interactions; make sure you make checks to see that the lens is clear and cleaned routinely, the speakers (either built-in to your device such as a laptop or phone, or an external speaker) is cleared from blockages, and the cables and wires are free from kinks, insulation damage, and are not frayed around the connection points to the device, or to the connector itself (in most cases the USB connector).

While in the workplace, identifying issues with projectors, projection screens and similar is just as significant; most organizations keep the upkeep of the bigger or more costly gadgets either under the thumb of the in-house IT nerds, or an off-site IT or AV organization to make the support a little easier, as these can be a scratch more complicated. Obviously, it is quite important that any issues that happen in everyday use are noted and reported, so ensure all possible issues are raised, and the right groups are advised to allow the most scope for your techies to keep the hardware in top condition.

Security Frameworks

So, now that the AV and PC frameworks have been introduced within the organisation and updated, they ought to be secured, in case a few nasty criminals get their hands on them! This is where security frameworks support becomes significant.

In terms of physical security, the integration of frameworks like Access Control, card recognition and scanners, or even biometric readers (eye scanners, fingerprint readers etc) is perfect for business and building security yet keeping on top of the support software and maintenance-wise is just as significant for keeping the baddies out as cameras and warning signs! Ensuring that all passageways are secure and scan/reader technology are working accurately, fitted safely to keep them safe from being broken (or broken into!), and all firmware and software is up-to-the-minute up to date and functioning as it ought to be is essential; there’s nothing more regrettably avoidable than somebody bypassing a control point with a paperclip and a spoon handle purely due to the fact that the most recent bug fix hasn’t been introduced yet (I know that sounds ridiculous, but things along this kind of vein have happened on more than a few occasions!)

Along these lines, security also plays an important role within software and programs; keeping software up to date in terms of day-to-day programs and business tools is also crucial. A quick security patch being introduced to Microsoft Outlook, for example, could make the difference between your organisation’s email accounts being secure, or being hacked due to a recently discovered exploit for example. A very simple method to get around this is to utilise systems that employ Cloud-based software; these are not only supported by IT teams and tech support working on them around the clock, but also, they are protected by incredibly strong encryption and very secure firewall and antivirus systems, along with data redundancies so that information can be recovered quickly, easily, and at any time of day.

As may be obvious, remaining on top of support and maintenance for your business frameworks is exceptionally significant, for information and building security, however also for efficiency, productivity, and a more smoothed-out day to day working cycle for all staff. Whether you are set up at an office at home, the workplace, or somewhere else, we hope this article has been of help, and shed a bit of light on parts of business support that can occasionally fall out of sight. Stay safe!

Also Read: Business Maintenance – The Essentials Part 1