There are many amazing courses that can land you with a lucrative job. The point is people are not skilled and aware. If you want to get a good job in the present world then you have to do proper exploration. Now have you ever heard about optometry course?
You know optometry is a healthcare profession that has to do with measuring vision. An optometrist prescribes and do fits lenses to enhance vision and detects as well as treats different types of eye ailments. You can easily find a good bsc optometry course in your nearby college. There are so many colleges that are giving you this course and proper guidance and qualification.
What really is this field all about?
This term optometry is derived from the Greek word named ‘optos’ and it means eye or vision and ‘metria’ and it means measurement. The optometrists are doctors who carry out different eye examination, diagnose vision conditions, and even prescribe corrective therapy. They are health professionals who have specialized and expert in eye care and deal with eye testing and catering proper solutions to patients who suffer from partial sight, hereditary vision flaws, squint, lessening of eye muscles and so on. But optometrists must not be confused with ophthalmologists or that of dispensing opticians.
What is the scope in the present time?
The scope for optometric practise in the present time is great and unlimited. It is a dynamic and demanding career and it could achieve personal growth, community respect and cater the job flexibility, financial success and even limitless opportunities. Optometrists or optometric physicians are main or primary eye care and health professionals concerned with vision care. These fellows are experts in determining one’s refractive error and prescribing appropriate correction. These deal with vision screening (eye testing), diagnosis of visual problems, proper orthotics and vision training, optometric counselling of patients having partial sight, colour blindness and hereditary vision defects, and even that of designing and fitting of spectacles, contact lens and also low vision aids. They also prescribe vision therapy and different eye exercises to patients complaining of visual symptoms like that of squint and so on.
Maybe optometry goes hand in hand with the field of ophthalmology in treatment of visual disorders, but optometrists must not be confused with ophthalmologists or that of dispensing opticians. An optometrist performs all the endeavours of an ophthalmologist, short of surgery. Ophthalmologists are experienced and trained physicians specialized in eye and vision care and they perform eye surgery, as well as diagnose and treat different types of eye diseases and injuries. You know optometry is a healthcare profession that has to do with measuring vision. An optometrist prescribes and do fits lenses to enhance vision and detects as well as treats different types of eye ailments.
Where can these people work?
Once you have done BSc optometry, you can easily find good jobs in different places. Whether a centre, store, hospital, health facility or similar places, such are the experts who can get a job in different places. It is not just a good career option but an interesting one too. You also get the satisfaction of doing something good. Whether the private sector or the government one; you can look for jobs after doing this course. The competition is increasing but if you have polished skills, you can outshine everyone!
Thus, it is time that you look for BSc optometry colleges and enrol yourself in a good course. After all, once you are qualified, trained and have a course certification in hand or on your resume; you can easily get a good job or opportunity.