Why evidence-based practice is essential for nursing professionals


The importance of evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing is paramount to the healthcare industry. 

Evidence-based practice is a problem-solving approach to the delivery of healthcare that integrates the best available evidence, clinical expertise, and patient values and circumstances related to a specific healthcare decision. 

What is evidence-based practice?

Evidence-based practice is an approach to healthcare that utilizes research and data to inform decision-making. It is based on the premise that decisions should be made using the best available evidence in order to provide the best possible patient outcomes. This approach has been gaining importance in nursing as it helps to ensure that care is delivered in a safe and effective manner. Evidence-based practice allows nurses to make informed, evidence-based decisions regarding patient care by taking into account a variety of factors such as clinical experience, patient preferences, and recent research findings. 

How can evidence-based practice improve patient care?

The importance of evidence-based practice in nursing cannot be overstated, as it has been shown to improve patient outcomes and reduce hospital stays, mortality rates and readmissions. These benefits are paramount on a national level.

By taking into account all available data and evidence, evidence-based practice allows nurses to create a personalized care plan that is tailored to the individual needs of each patient. This approach also encourages nurses to be proactive in their decision-making, which can help to prevent errors or complications from arising in the first place. By using the best available evidence, nurses can also encourage innovation and growth in their practice. A good example is the innovation around personal vital monitors, which patients can have on their person and share information with their nurse or practitioner.

When nurses are able to accurately assess the risks and benefits associated with treatments, they can recommend the most cost-effective option for each patient. This ultimately leads to fewer unnecessary tests and procedures, which can help to keep costs down for both patients and hospitals.

What are the barriers to implementing evidence-based practice?

There are several barriers to implementing evidence-based practice. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of access to information. Nurses often don’t have enough time to search for relevant research and studies or to read them thoroughly. This can make it difficult for them to keep up with the latest evidence-based guidelines. 

In addition, there may be a lack of support from the healthcare system for implementing evidence-based practice. Healthcare organizations may not prioritize evidence-based practice due to cost considerations or other priorities. Furthermore, there may be resistance from medical staff, such as physicians, who are more accustomed to relying on their own clinical experience rather than evidence-based guidelines. Lastly, there can also be cultural barriers within a healthcare organization that prevent nurses from fully embracing evidence-based practice. 

These barriers can make it difficult for nurses to understand and implement evidence-based practice in their everyday routines. 

How can nurses overcome these barriers?

One of the most important steps that nurses can take is to educate themselves on the importance of evidence-based practice in nursing. One option is to register for an online nursing program such as the one offered by the University of Indianapolis. Understanding the value that evidence-based practice can bring to the care of their patients will motivate nurses to make the changes necessary to incorporate it into their practice.

Nurses should also seek out mentors and colleagues who are knowledgeable about evidence-based practice and learn from their experiences. Joining an evidence-based practice support group or attending conferences that focus on evidence-based practice can also provide useful insight into how to implement it successfully. Additionally, establishing a framework for implementing evidence-based practice that is tailored to the nurse’s unique practice setting can help to ease the transition process. Nurses should also familiarize themselves with available tools and techniques that can help in the evidence-based practice process, such as the recommendations outlined in the Annual National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report.

Finally, nurses should remember that integrating evidence-based practice into their practice does not have to be a daunting or near-impossible task. By taking advantage of available resources, seeking out advice and guidance, and investing in their own education, nurses can make the transition to evidence-based practice smoother and more successful. Doing so will help to ensure that the importance of evidence-based practice in nursing is fully realized and that patient care is improved as a long-term result.


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