Garden tools are quite expensive, and it is only right that they last long. For that, you have to take good care of them.
You need to clean your tools and remove rust. Furthermore, you have to sand the tools and sharpen them. After that, you have to oil your tools.
Proper storage of your tools is crucial, too. You don’t want them laying around outside. Instead, store tools in dry places but not all in a pile.
A great idea is to get tool hooks. Do this in your garage. With the help of tool hooks, you can hang your tools in an organized manner.
Furthermore, tool racks are a good place to keep tools. Tool hooks and tool racks are best in your garage or somewhere safe.
You must make sure that the place you decide to store your tools is secure. You don’t want theft. But even if there are no thieves around, there might still be children.
You will have the tools that are sharp and pointy. There might be a few power tools too. These tools have to be out of reach for safety reasons.
Read on, and you will know all that it takes to take good care of and get the most out of your garden tools.
What You Need To Care For Your Tools
For keeping your tools in good shape, go shopping. Get some detergent and a garden hose and sprayer. After that, you will also need a sponge.
You also need lots of old rags. But there is no need to shop for that. Old clothes around the house are perfect.
Then you need some cleaning tools: steel wool and two different brushes, a scrub brush and a wire brush.
You also need a rotary wire brush attachment that works well with your drill. And don’t forget to get sanding paper. Your target should be between 80 grit and 120 grit. Get the ones that work on metal too, not just wood.
Next, you need a sharpening tool, so get a metal file. The finer the file is, the better. Also, get a sharpening stone. It’s going to be great for honing edges. You should also get a chainsaw sharpener. It makes your chainsaw brand new.
After that, you need lubricating oils. Some examples of them include boiled linseed oil, motor oil, tung oil, lamp oil, or cooking oil. If you can only get a few, then get the boiled linseed oil and tung oil.
Finally, you need safety equipment. Make sure that you buy gloves, a dust mask, and eye protection.
Clean your Garden Tools
The first thing you need to do is clean your garden tools. Put your safety gear on and start removing mud from the tools. You will find the scrubbing tools that you bought handy.
Also, remember to get the grit from handles and blades. It might be tough, but take your time with your tools. Don’t be hasty and don’t leave bits of mud here and there.
Be thorough, and after that, it’s time to dry. You can do this with dry rags or an old towel. And once you have all of them dry from top to bottom, set them aside.
Keep them somewhere out of reach so that there are no accidents. It has to be somewhere with little moisture in the air.
Rust Removal
Now that your tools are clean, it’s time for a thorough inspection of your tools. Check for rust in its early stages. You can still make a difference if the rusting is early. However, if it’s at the point where it’s a hazard, it’s time to replace it.
Take the steel wool that you bought and scrub away the rust on your tools. You can also do this with a wire brush.
If you want it done fast, use a rotary wire brush attachment. Use it with a drill to scrape off the rust with vicious speed. But remember, the less scraping the better.
Sanding Handles
The handles of the tools need as much care as the metal parts get. You can remove splinters and light cracks with the help of medium-grit sandpaper.
It’s an excellent tool that gives your tool handles a smooth finish. But if the cracks are too big to repair, it’s time to replace the handle or tool.
You can also remove rust with the sandpaper if it’s for metal. After that, remove all the dust.
Sharpening Tools
You can use the metal file that you bought to keep the edges of your tools sharp. When you are sharpening, don’t grind the metal too much.
The aim of sharpening should be a clean edge, removing burrs and make nicks smooth. But if you are sharpening cutting tools like axes or hedge clippers, use a sharpening stone.
Lubricate the sharpening stone with oil. This will help you give your tool a finer edge. Always remember to never overdo it. After all, you want your tools to last as long as possible.
Oiling Your Tools
One key factor in making sure that your tools stay healthy is oil. You need to get yourself a rag. Use it to apply oil to your tools so make sure it is clean.
Just apply the oil onto the surface of all your tools. You should also rub oil on the handles of your tools. After oiling the tools, wipe off the leftover oil.
When your tools are completely dry, it’s time for a second layer. So, repeat the whole process and let them dry once more.
Oil is really good for your tools as it keeps water out and stops the handles from cracking. And it gives the tools a nice, beautiful shine.
Store your tools in a dry place and make sure that they are away from the reach of children. Also, make sure that there is no way to steal them so lock your workshop every day.
Organize your tools well instead of letting them pile up or remain scattered. The better the organization of your tools, the more productive your work will be.
Think about getting tool hanging hooks and tool racks. They will help you organize your tools, and it will look great.
For good care for your tools, store them right and clean them regularly. After cleaning, remove rust, sand the handles, sharpen the edges, and oil your tools.
Gardening tools are expensive, but they are great investments as the last generations. For that kind of performance and durability, you need to maintain your tools.
When you have the tools that have gone out of shape, don’t keep them around. Tools that are too rusty or have broken handles may lead to accidents.