User Aksed for How to Reset Their AOL Email Password This Guide best for you

AOL Email

User Aksed for How to Reset Their AOL Email Password This Guide best for you. Email is one of reliable communication platform which is used for personal or corporate communication purpose. Checking mail online can be very stressful when the user doesn’t remember their password. There are chances that some hacked user account and use it for their own purposes.

These days the rates of cyber crimes are increasing every user should take considerable steps to protect their account. Here are some tips which will help the user to protect their account from hackers.

  1. As password forgetting is very usual these days, users can make use o a trusted third-party password manager tool. This will maintain the user password of different account so users don’t need to remind their passwords.
  2. Make use of a strong and nondictionary set of characters as the password for the AOL account. Don’t use the simple set of characters in the password, use something which is difficult to hues by intruders.
  3. Use a long password for protecting the AOL mail account. Ideally, the user’s password can be set off more than 8 characters as password. The password should contain the combination of characters and one or more numbers as well as special characters.
  4. Users should change their password every 72 days. Do not use the same password for all the accounts.  Don’t use the personal details as the password for the AOL account. Avoid using repetitive characters or number series as a password of the account.
  5. Always remember the recovery mail and registered mobile number which the user needs to enter while creating the account. Update the contact number or recovery mail if you are not able to access them.
  6. Make use of security questions for added security while opening the AOL mail account.
  7. Use the strong antivirus program in your system. Always manually type the AOL mail URL while accessing the account.

The user needs to reset the AOL password, in case he forgot it.  There can be another case that some intruder changes the password so the user is unable to log in into their AOL account. In both, cases user can recover their AOL mail account by changing their account password.

It is very easy to change the password or recover the account after forgetting the password in AOL mail. This article provides the different methods of How to Reset the AOL email password on different devices. So the users who are facing difficulties while accessing their AOL mail account can refer this article to solve their question.

Method 1 – To reset password with registered contact number:

To use this method user should have reminded the contact number which he entered while opening the AOL mail account. User needs to immediately access the number and enter the verification code which the user will get on their registered contact number. This is a simple process that can reset aol password without alternate email id.

  1. Open any AOL mail compatible web browser.
  2. Go to the AOL mail login page.
  3. Enter the AOL user name or email id and click on the next button.
  4. Click on the link of forgot password which is below the password field.
  5. It will ask the AOL mail id or username. Enter it again.
  6. Tap on the next button.
  7. Select the recovery mail or contact number to recover the account. (In this method we used the contact number to recover the user’s AOL account.)
  8. Enter the register contact number which you entered while creating an AOL mail account.
  9. AOL mail will send the code to the user either via call or the text message. Select any one mode from both.
  10. Enter the received on the registered contact number and click on the next button to verify.
  11. Enter the new password in the respected field.
  12. Click on the Save button to complete the process.

Method 2 – To reset AOL mail password with the use of recovery email address:

Some users are doesn’t remember or can’t access their registered mobile number due to some reason. Those can use this method to reset AOL password without a phone number. Users can recover their account with the use of recovery mail. Here are the steps to reset the AOL mail password with the user of recovery mail.

  1. Open a web browser and visit the AOL Mail page.
  2. Enter the user’s AOL mail id of which user wants to reset the password.
  3. Hit the next button.
  4. It will ask the user to enter the password. Click on the link named as ‘forgot my password’.
  5. Enter the AOL mail id of the user again.
  6. Select the way to recover the user’s AOL account either from contact number or alternate mail.
  7. Select recovery mail to reset the user’s AOL mail account.
  8. AOL will send the password reset link on the recovery mail address. The user needs to log in into the alternate email id. Users can check their inbox with the mail title as ‘request to reset your password’.
  9. Click on the link provided in that mail.
  10.  It will redirect the user to the password reset page on which the user can enter the new AOL password.
  11. Confirm the same password by entering it again.
  12. Click on the Save button to complete the process.

If a user can access their recovery mail address or registered mobile number the user can reset aol password without security question successfully by using any of the above one methods.

Method 3 – Reset the AOL mail account password with security question:

Sometimes users don’t remember their registered mobile and unable to access the recovery mail address too. In this case, the user can use this method to reset their accounts with the help of the security question.

While creating AOL mail account user needs to select one security question and their answer. The same security question we can use to reset the AOL mail account password. Here are the steps by using user can reset their AOL mail account password.

  1. Open a web browser and go to the sign-in page of AOL mail.
  2. Enter the AOL mail id of the user of which the user wants to reset the password and click the next button.
  3. Click on forget password link which is below the password field.
  4. Enter the same email id again.
  5. It will ask to select the password recovery method from the recovery mail or contact number. A user is unable to access both users can click on the link ‘I can’t access any’.
  6. Follow on-screen instructions and click on the option of security questions to recover the password.
  7. Select the security questions and enter the correct answer which you select while creating the AOL account.
  8. Click on the next button.
  9. If a user enters the correct answer for the security question then the user will get directed to change the reset password page.
  10. Users can enter the new password and confirm the same on the second field.
  11. Click on next to complete the process.

Reset AOL mail password on iphone or ipad:

Several users are facing difficulties while changing the AOL mail password on mobile. There are different solutions available for how to reset aol password on an iPad or iPhone. Here is the most common and simple way to change the AOL mail password in two steps.

In the first step, user need to change their AOL mail password with the user of any AOL mail compatible web browser from their device. Users can use any of the above 3 methods to reset their AOL password on the Smartphone.

After resetting the AOL password by visiting the website from the web browser from your device users need to follow given steps to complete the process.

  1. Go to the setting.
  2. Go to applications and select the mail, calendar, contact apps.
  3. Under the account section, click on the AOL mail id of which the user needs to change the password.
  4. Click on the password.
  5. Type your new password.
  6. Click on the Done button to complete the process.

Users need to follow two steps process only to resetting their AOL password in case of forgot password or hacked password by someone. However, if the user knows their current AOL mail password and wants to update it then he can do all steps on the mobile device itself. Android users can also follow the about steps to reset or update their password.

AOL automatically suspends the account access who is doesn’t use AOL mail for more than 6 months, who does illegal activates from their mails and the users who are having a lot of spam emails or suspicious activity.

So here are all the solutions of how to reset aol password, user can use any of the above for recovering their password. If the user is facing the problem while recovering their account then there is a possibility of someone else hacked your account.

Users can directly get in touch with official customer support service and try to get solutions from them. User can also drop a mail to AOL to fix their problems of recovering account after forgetting the password.