How to remove hair dye from skin

how to remove hair dye from skin

Many people like hair dying at home as it’s so much helpful. But’s its one most challenging part is its color that can stain your forehead, neck, or hands if you don’t be careful. For that reason, it’s sometimes annoying if this stain remains for a long time how to remove hair dye from skin. Again it’s also challenging to remove those stains from leather. Now you will get a proper solution after reading this whole article. In this article, we have mentioned how to remove hair dye from the skin with some tips and tricks.

How to remove hair stain from the skin:

It’s useful for anybody to utilize hair color at home. In any case, because of your lack of regard, you can recolor hair alongside hairline and face as your face is the most delicate part of your entire body, so you need to stay away from unforgiving concoction sullying items to expel hair color from the skin. For that, from the start, it’s smarter to utilize some home cures, yet if you discovered your stain is so much obstinate, at that point, you could go for the following level that’ experts tips. Here we have at fist included all the possible home remedies for dye removing. After that have discussed professional’s tips.

Some home remedies for removing hair dye from the skin:

Home tips are so beneficial for removing hair dye from the skin. It doesn’t affect your skin but helps you a lot. It includes simple ingredients that all are available at home. Here are some useful tips through which you can remove hair dye from your skin quickly.

Soap and water:

To expel hair color from your skin, your first option should be soap and water. It’s helpful to utilize a cleanser if you attempt to clear out the stain soon after spreading over an undesirable how to remove hair dye from the skin body part. Because within a short time, hair color won’t affect the skin. Be that as it may, on the off chance that your hair color has just recolored your skin, at that point utilizing cleanser with water won’t help. After this, if your stain is as the previous position, then you need to experience another procedure referenced beneath.


The regular cleanser can’t help appropriately in this issue; however, you can begin with it. At the point when you will see your hair color around your hairline, then you can utilize your standard cleanser ASAP. It will prevent to recolor of the particular zone from spreading around. As the more drawn out the color sits, it gets more opportunity to recolor. So to stop the recoloring at quick, it’s smarter to utilize your regular cleanser. Here and there, it additionally goes about as an appropriate way if the color doesn’t get a lot of time to set, and you right away utilize a cleanser.

Olive oil or baby oil:

Olive oil is put a significant amount of value for pores and skin and is considered as a natural cleanser. Once more, it moreover goes about as a color removal as it encourages to remove stains from your skin by separating the shading. On the other hand, if t you want to know how to remove hair color from the scalp, then it is a decent alternative.

Utilize a modest quantity of olive oil through the cotton ball. At that point, tenderly clean over the recolored zone. For appropriate dry, leave it for 7-8 hours. You can likewise utilize a little measure of cleanser to expel the additional oil from your skin. You can use it before going to bed for a better result. But then you have to cover the stained area with a soft cotton bandage to avoid the oil soaking into the sheet or pillow cover. Then the next morning, you can easily remove the oil with lukewarm water.

Petroleum jelly:

It works best on the off chance that you spread over it before utilizing your color. To use it, cover your hairline with petroleum jelly before beginning shading. It’s additionally better to cover your ears and the base of your neck, so the color doesn’t wind up sticking on those spots either. It is considered as the most preventive measure. Again you can likewise utilize it after color. Put some petroleum jelly onto a cotton pad and clean over the stain after that remove. Also, you can use some liquid face wash to expel overabundance petroleum jelly.


Vinegar is another suitable dye remover. This also works for dead cell remover due to its exfoliating pigments. To use it, put vinegar in a bowl and dip the cotton ball. Then spread over it on your skin and gently scrub. After that, wash with lukewarm water.

Baking soda and dishwashing liquid: 

The proper mix of baking soda and dishwasher is also helpful as a dye remover. You can laugh by thinking about how it can work for your skin? The fact is that baking soda on how to remove hair dye from leather is a mild abrasive, and it can easily remove the dead skin cells through scrubbing. And the dishwasher has the stain-removing properties.

And if you want to know how to remove hair dye from hand, then you can choose this option. It’s better to use a lemon flavor containing dishwasher to get a better result. The using procedure is painless. Mix equal amounts of baking soda and liquid dish soap into a bowl. By stirring, make a fine paste and then spread over this mixture in the affected area with a cotton ball. Scrub gently and wash it with lukewarm water.


The use of a non-gel toothpaste is also taken into consideration as a dye remover as toothpaste gets rid of stains from teeth, so it is also useful to dispose of hair dye from your pores and skin. Spread over a small quantity of paste via your finger or with a cotton ball. Gently scrub over the dye area. Leave it for 5-10 mins then remove with a washcloth soaked in lukewarm water.

Makeup remover:

Makeup remover is also useful. It’s also available at home; those randomly use makeup products. It is not expensive but you can get a good result by using it. With a cotton ball spread over it on the face then remove after five minutes. You can use the leftover paste as a deep cleanser to your kitchen or bathroom to remove the stain from your sink or bathe tiles.

Body scrub:

Body scrub also acts as a dye remover. It carries the exfoliating agent that gets rid of the dead cells. To use it, put a few drops of body scrub in hand and gently scrub over the stained area. You can also make your suitable scrub at home. It’s so simple. Add 2 tablespoons of oatmeal or rice flour, 2 tablespoons of sugar, several drops of essential oil (you can pick your preferred essential oil). Mix them all. Stir to combine and make a smooth paste. Scrub this homemade body scrub on the affected area. After 5 mins rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Hair spray:

Hair spray is another dye remover. But it is not suitable for all types of pores and skin. For delicate pores and skin, it’s better to keep away from this. But if you want to know how to remove hair dye from the hands and neck parts, then it can be a suitable option. Simply spray some hair spray over stained area and scrub. This will effectively remove stain from your skin. But for ordinary skin or oily skin, you need to be careful while using this.

Professionals tips:

If these home remedies are not suitable for you then you can choose some professional’s advice regarding this matter. Some professionals use some chemicals as dye remover.

These are as follows-

Hydrogen peroxide:

It’s a chemical agent that works as a dye remover. You can use it to remove dye from your hands and face. But the proper amount is maintained while using hydrogen peroxide. Pour 2% of hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and apply it over the stained area. It will work to lighten the dye color and gradually will remove it from your skin. But you have to remain careful. If hydrogen peroxide accidentally gets in touch with your hair then it will also remove the hair dye from hair.

Lava soap:

Lava soap is a harsh cleaner that you can use only to remove hair dye from hands. If you want to know how to remove hair dye from nails then this is a good option. People who have to remove abrasive dirt or stain from hands and nail normally use it. Spread over a thick layer on your hand and scrub. Rinse it with lukewarm water.


Bleach has staining removing agent but after trying all above it’s better to try with this. If you find your stains are so much stubborn then you can use chlorine bleach to get rid of this. But keep one thing in mind that people with sensitive skin face problems due to the use of bleach as it cause skin irritation. Through a cotton ball use it on the stained area and clean properly as bleach is a harsh chemical.

Nail polish remover:

Nail polish remover is another harsh dye remover. But it’s not suitable for sensitive skin. You can use it through a cotton ball. After Scrubbing with the cotton ball rinse with cold water.

Rubbing alcohol:

Rubbing alcohol is also useful. To use it as a dye remover, put a small amount of rubbing alcohol into a cotton ball and gently scrub on the stained part. After a few seconds wash the dyed area with lukewarm water. Remember one thing don’t keep your skin on rubbing alcohol for a long time. It will affect severely your skin. Again, if you have delicate skin or dry skin then the use of scrubbing alcohol can cause damage. So, you have to be careful while using rubbing alcohol.

How to prevent hair dye stains:

  1. Wear gloves to protect your hand while dying.
  2. Use a barrier between your hairline and your hair before starting to dye. For that, you can use a thick layer of moisturizing cream or petroleum jelly or lip balm. 
  3. Use a dry cotton pad or washcloth to remove the stain just after it gets in touch with the skin. 

Some tips for using hair dye remover:

  1. Start with home remedies. 
  2. If you have to put chemicals then keep it for a few seconds otherwise it can cause damage.
  3. It any kind of irritation you feel ASAP wipe out the dye remover and wash gently with cold water.
  4. Always use cotton balls or pad for applying any dye remover.  

If using these all don’t remove your stain from skin then one best option is to wait. Don’t worry. Your stain will gradually fade out with time. But you have to keep patience. It doesn’t take so much time. Most hair dyes will fade out from skin within a week or less. If your stained area is not seen properly or not so much big to notice then it’s the best option. As sometimes use of some chemicals can cause damage and without home remedies, some chemicals are not also available. So it’s the best option to wait for a couple of days considering all safety issues.  


  1. How can I remove hair dye naturally?

Use baking soda and shampoo or mix vit-c tables with hot water to make a smooth paste and apply this on the stained area. This helps to remove the dye. 

  1. What is the best way to prevent hair dye stains?

If you use Vaseline or olive oil before applying hair dye then you can prevent dye staining.

  1. How long does hair dye stay on skin?

It mainly depends on the dye. But normally a hair dye lasts for one to two weeks and it fades out gradually.

  1. 4. What should I do to remove hair dye from my skin?

At first, use your normal face wash or scrubber and then use one of the home remedies. After that, you can go for a professional’s tips.