In the age of electronic mail, everyone may have forgotten how to mail a letter. In this age of technology, everyone has become accustomed to mobile phone quick text, internet messenger, email, video message, etc. No one spends more time writing letters on paper.
But at one time, this letter was the only means of sending a message. How one could express one’s thoughts through letters does not go through the present emails or mobile phone messages. Feelings can be easily written in a letter that cannot be typed in today’s electronic devices. The thought does not come to mind when ordering on the device—That’s why we all should know how to mail a letter.
Everything is becoming too formal to keep pace with the times. If you ask the present generation, they may not even be able to tell you how to mail a letter. Everyone has forgotten how to write a letter. In the age of technology, everything has become modern, but in some cases, the message is still in vogue. In today’s discussion, we will learn how to write a letter and how to mail a letter.
There are many types of letters, such as personal letters, official letters, application forms, government letters, etc. The style of writing and mailing these letters is also different from each other. Private notes were only used to send us private messages. Whose place is now occupied by mobile phone text, online messenger? Official letters and applications are now also sent via email. However, in the case of government letters, handwritten paper letters are still used in some places. Let’s first know how to write a letter.
How to write a letter
You need JavaScript enabled to view it. But when writing a letter, you have to follow some guidelines. First of all, you have to choose a good quality paper for writing or typing a message. You can use the A4 form if you want. The main feature of a good quality letter is that it is divided into several parts.
The information contained in each part of the typed letter and email is slightly different. What leads to include also depends on the type of message. It is essential to know what information should be listed in other parts of a letter. The method of giving a contact address and signature is also critical when sending typed messages and emails.
It is best if we discuss step by step to understand. Let’s see what the steps are to write a letter?
- Contact address
- Greetings
- Body of Letter
- Close or termination
- Signature
Contact address
There will be some differences in how you include your contact address, depending on how you send the letter. If you want to send a handwritten note, you need to have your contact information at the very top left of the message. And in case of sending emails, there will be contact information at the end of all.
You can browse the internet to see some samples for ease of understanding. You can include your mobile number, email address, or current address as contact information.
You can start by writing Dear X to address the person for whom you are writing the letter. If there is an official letter, it must be addressed in writing. It can also be addressed by writing the name of the employer or by writing Dear Sir in the application form or letter written for the job. However, letters written for family or friends do not have strict rules. You can address individuals.
Body of Letter
The body of the letter has to be divided into several paragraphs to include the message. Multiple sections should be used instead of one paragraph when writing a letter. Divide into at least three paragraphs to get the characteristics of a standard letter. In the first paragraph, i.e., in the introduction, you can start the letter by exchanging greetings.
If you are writing a letter to a friend or family, you may want to let them know and tell them how you are. And should include a brief description of the reasons for what he is writing. The second paragraph will explain the reasons for your writing in more detail. In the case of a professional letter, if you have requested something from the reader in the last paragraph, please let me know later. It is best to state the purpose of your letter clearly. The letter should tell the reader what you want and how they can help by contacting you. Or, if you provide any services, make sure you know what you can provide.
Close or termination
Finally, end the letter with a greeting. In case of application, you must use the words your obedient, yours, best regards. However, in the case of email, only your name should be written at the end of the letter.
Give your signature at the end of the letter. Your signature will indicate that you wrote the letter.
It is essential to proofread something once or twice at the end of writing. Before you mail your letter, spell, grammar, the format should be checked thoroughly to see if everything is correct and then sent. If there is any mistake, it should be corrected before sending. So you can see how to mail a letter.
This is a brief discussion of how to write a letter. I hope you don’t have to worry about writing letters anymore. The letter was written, now let’s know how to mail a letter?
How to mail a letter
You need to properly select an envelope or postcard before mailing a letter. It is important to select the envelope according to the type of letter. It is then important to follow the specific instructions for the outside of the envelope to confirm the purpose for which your letter will be sent. Before that let’s have a little idea about envelopes and postcards,
- Envelopes must be made of paper.
- The envelopes must be rectangular and flat to give the letter a perfect ideal look.
- The price is determined based on the size of the envelopes as compared to the size of the letter.
- Large envelopes must be rectangular for flat rate prices.
- Postcards must be rectangular if you want to get a standard size.
- Larger postcards are usually charged as letters or envelopes.
How to write an address in an envelope
Write the sender’s address on the top left of the envelope.
Then write the recipient’s address in the middle of the bottom of the envelope.
Place a stamp at the top right of the letter.
Usually two addresses are given in the envelope. However, only the address of the recipient is required. The sender’s address is not required, but is technically required. If somehow the letter cannot reach the recipient or there is an error in the address, it will not be possible to send it back due to lack of return address. It may also be returned from the post office to resolve a problem for which the sender’s address is also important.
How to write the sender’s address
- Write your full name in the first line
- Enter your street address and your home number on the next line.
- Complete the address with your city and state address and zip code in the next line.
How to write the address of the recipient
- Write the full name of the recipient in the first line
- On the next line write the home number and street address of the person to whom you are sending the letter.
- Complete the address with the recipient’s city and state address and zip code in the next line.
In the case of formal letters
- You can follow the same type for the address of the sender in the formal letter.
- The name of the company should be mentioned in the first line for any business letter.
- In the next line, write “ATN:” or “C / O” before the name of the recipient. If it is a business letter, write the name of the organization.
- The next lines should include street address, city, state and zip code.
How to write military addresses?
Although they write addresses following the same format, military addresses do not name common cities and states. The name of the city is written as APO (Air / Army Post Office), DPO (Diplomatic Post Office) or FPO (Fleet Post Office). State addresses use AA (Armed Forces America), EI (Armed Forces Europe) and AP (Armed Forces Pacific). But what happens will always depend on the duty station. The zip code will be the same but sometimes an additional four-digit code is also required.
When writing travel shipping address
When sending a letter abroad, the address usually has to be written in the same way. Only the name of the country has to be added at the end of the letter. In many countries the zip code is written in front of the city and country but it varies from country to country. So before writing the address, you should write the zip code knowingly. There is how to mail a letter perfectly.
Where can I mail letters from?
Take the letter to any post office. If you need to buy a envelop or postcard, you can leave your letter with a postal clerk, and s/he will mail it for you. Even if you don’t need to buy postcard, you can still take your letter to the post office to be mailed. See for information on where to find the closest post office.
Can I mail a letter online?
Ofcourse you can also mail a letter via online. If you’re wondering how to mail a letter, you no longer have to go to the Post Office to send mail. You can use Mailform, you can mail a letter online, right from your computer. All you need is the letter, the mailing address, and a credit card.
How many stamps are required to send a letter?
Medium letter with maximum height and lenght is 130× 235mm and maximum weight of the letter 500g include envelop need 2 kiwi stamp.
Large letter max height and weight 165×235mm and maximum weight 500g include envelop need 2 kiwistamp.
Can I mail a letter in one day?
USPS Priority Mail Express is a guaranteed way to send documents and packages to a destination overnight or in one to two days on any day of the year, including Sundays and holidays. USPS is the only overnight shipping carrier that is allowed to deliver packages to a P.O. Box address.