In the United States, being an immigrant is a very difficult job. You don’t get the basic wages and you are looked down upon by the Americans. Racism is just a routine of the day. You have to work very hard to receive a basic salary package. You have to compete with millions of Americans for a simple data entry job. In the workplace, you face leg pullings and conspiracies against you. All of that just because you are an immigrant. People hate immigrants. They don’t want to be with them but when you have something special like a talent which nobody other possesses then you are treated like a King. That was the case with the Bangladeshi American structural engineer- Fazlur Rahman Khan. We will have a keen look at his life as an engineer in America.
The American Dream and Projects of Khan
Everyone has a dream, just like everyone Fazur Rahman Khan also had a dream. Fazlur Rahman Khan decided to pursue all his dreams in America. He was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He studied at the University of Calcutta and University of Dhaka. After his brilliant career as a student, he got accepted as a Fullbright scholar at the University of Illinois. Chicago is a city full of hardworking and determined people. They are good at what they do. He studied Structural Engineering at the University of Ilinois and he became a great structural engineer afterward. He was a pioneer in his field.
Chicago is an awesome place and it is widely known by the two of its most important buildings. These buildings were designed and structured by Fazlur Rahman Khan. The John Hancocks Center and Sears Building are one of the tallest buildings in the world. The buildings have the most unique architecture and they are loved by everyone. Fazlur Rahman Khan did not stop here. He was invited to Saudia Arabia to work for the King of Saudia Arabia.
He built the Hajj Terminal of the King Abdul Aziz airport located in Jeddah, Saudia Arabia. They were given a lot of appreciation for his beautiful and concrete work. He also built the Wills tower which was the tallest building in the United States of America after the great twin towers. His magnificent viewpoint about life and nature made him develop such skyscrapers and tallest in the world buildings. One can only see the utmost dedication and excellence through his works.
A great Humanitarian- Fazlur Rahman Khan
He was also a very kind and humble person. He never looked down upon any workers. Fazlur Rahman Khan was so good with his fellow immigrants who came to the USA to start a new life of prosperity. He helped everyone who came for assistance. He also called in many people from his hometown and helped them settle here. Fazlur Rahman Khan never cared what people think about him, he just kept on doing the great work. His excellence was the proof of it that God was happy with him.
Architectural Excellence
There were a lot of architectures in the United States but only Khan was given the proudest and glamorous projects. These projects showed that Fazlur Rahman Khan was equipped with talent no other possesses. He was one of the most visionary architects of the century. He was among the first to choose computer-aided designs and he structured buildings based on that. They were so perfect at that time. He understood every risk and included earthquake prevention and wind protection. He knew the risks of developing such tall structures. So he decided to be as precise as possible. This preciseness and uniqueness also got him a lot of awards and honors. He is still considered one of the best structural engineers the United States has ever seen.
Global Appreciation
Fazlur Rahman Khan was a man of honor and dignity. He did a lot of charity and helped in the 1971 war. He was a true patriot and did everything in his power. They helped a lot of his countrymen to settle in the United States. He even got them permits to work and feed their families in the home country. This good behavior of him was noticed by the Almighty God and he blessed him with the respect and appreciation he never could have gotten without the help of God. He was given a lot of honorary awards and many ceremonies were held to appreciate the work done by him. He was also a mentor to many students in the United States. Young engineers came to him seeking help on their new projects.
He inaugurated many of the greatest buildings ever built in America. Chicago is full of landmarks designed and built by his team of enthusiasts. He never backed down. He always kept his head up and looked for greater opportunities. People still talk about the legacy he left behind. He is still considered a pioneer in the field of structural engineering. Oblivion is inevitable but in Fazlur Rahman Khan’s case, there is no oblivion. He will be remembered as a pioneer and an excellent engineer from Bangladesh.
Life lessons by Fazlur Rahman Khan
There is so much that can be learned through his life and his career. He belonged to a very middle-class family in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He did not have the resources to fund his study abroad but this guy never gave up. They got himself a full bright scholarship. He did not pay a single dime for his studies and he studied as hard as he could. He was a champion when it came to studies and academic life.
After he graduated, he looked for jobs and got himself one. He was so talented that he got promoted to the chief structural engineer. He never settled for less and kept persisting. Hard work is the key to success. He worked hard and he worked smart. He got what he wanted and that is a success. This is what we can learn from his life. Never give up on your dreams. Always fight for them and keep your head down when you achieve them.