Endometriosis Abdominal Pain

Endometriosis Abdominal Pain


The uterus in female bodies has a lining which is called the endometrium. When the tissues grow outside the uterus as well as in the other parts of the body, endometriosis is said to creep in. The other parts mentioned here include the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and sometimes the bowel as well. The presence of the lining outside then uterus gives rise to severe pain during menopausal periods. For some women, this sort of pain makes them completely out of fitness during the entire duration of the menopausal period.

This sort of pain is associated with acute chronic trauma that may cause an emotional blockage.

The Major Symptoms

Endometriosis occurs in women at their reproductive age. This means that the pain normally arises at that stage when a woman reaches the age of reproduction. The symptoms are seen to intensify at the reproductive age of females. The diagnosis for the symptoms may be held after several years after these arise. There could be several reasons for the late diagnosing. The first one could be the taboo hovered around speaking about menstruation. The other one is the lack of awareness about the normal range of pain during the period of menstruation. The latter is the stage that requires expert clinical intervention.

Normally, the disease of Endometriosis is based on the following symptoms:

  • Heavy periods with painful cramps at the reproductive age
  • Bleeding in between the periods
  • Continuous and frequent pain in the lower abdominal or pelvic area. This may occur in between the periods or other times too
  • Pain during sexual intercourses
  • Attempt to become pregnant becomes frustrating

Researchers have revealed the fact that around 5 to 20 percent of Indian women suffer from the disease of Endometriosis. Gynaecologist in Delhi can provide confirmed diagnosis and effective treatment for the condition.

Difference between Endometriosis and normal period pain

Women suffer from acute painful cramps, abdominal pain or back pain during their periods. While some of the pains are natural, some of the types might cause due to hormonal imbalance. When the case is endometriosis, the pain becomes intense and may require the subject to stay away from carrying out their routine jobs. This type of pain might occur before and after the menstruation period.

Gynaecologists in Delhi normally opts to provide medication for the management of endometriosis. In cases where the requirement for removal of endometrium from other organs is felt, surgical option is included. There are cases where endometriosis is seen to recur too.

Endometriosis is often equated with normal period pain. But, the fact is that this offers more threat and tougher to encounter. Lack of awareness makes a woman with endometriosis suffer for a longer period before an appropriate diagnosis. Often they consult doctors when the pain becomes unbearable.


When you see the doctor, he/she will ask about your symptoms. You will have to indicate the location and time of the pain. Based on your statement, the specialist Gynaecologists in Delhi may ask to carry out one or some of the following tests:

  1. Pelvic Exam: The pelvic test allows the doctor to palpate the pelvis areas for abnormalities. The abnormalities may include cysts on your reproductive organs or scars behind the uterus. This exam might not help identify small areas of endometriosis barring cases where these have caused a cyst to form.
  2. USG: High-frequency sound waves are created to generate images of the inside of your body. For capturing the images, a device called transducer is pressed against your abdomen or inserted into the vagina. This is called a transvaginal ultrasound. Gynaecologistsnormally opts to carry out both types of ultrasound. This enables him to get a view of the reproductive organs. But, this test cannot help the doctor give a conclusive verdict about the presence of endometriosis, but it can identify cysts associated with endometriosis called endometriomas.
  3. Magnetic Response Imaging (MRI): MRIS uses a combination of radio waves and magnetic fields to generate detailed images of the organs and tissues within our body. This test may be helpful for someone having surgical planning. The surgeons get detailed information about the location and size of endometrial implants.
  4. Laparoscopy: Most of Gynaecologistsprefer to refer to the cases of endometriosis to a Laparoscopic Surgeon. The surgeon helps the doctor with his/her findings within the abdominal organs. The laparoscope tells about the existence of endometrial tissues within the abdomen.